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Safer Space Policy

Safer Spacer Contact Form

The Neo Kizomba Festival is committed to create and maintain a safe, welcoming, and respectful space for our community members. At all our events, we are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for every participant, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, physical appearance, body size, age, race, or dance ability. We do not tolerate harassment of event participants in any form. Anyone engaging in harassing or violent behavior may be expelled from the event, without a refund, and any decisions towards these kinds of behaviors are at the discretion of the Neo Kizomba Festival organizers.

Short Version:

To report a violation of this policy during the event and for immediate assistance, please contact any staff members wearing a pink wristband. To report a complaint outside of event space, please contact us via the above or button below.

Code of Conduct and Desired Community Norms

The Neo Kizomba Festival is a community which strives to be supportive, welcoming, and friendly to all people from all walks of life. We work to dismantle oppressive systems and prejudicial treatment of others due to one’s race, gender, and sexual orientation, in order to develop a safe and empowering space in which to dance. Whether you are a dancer, instructor, organizer, new to the dance scene, or have been dancing your whole life, we strive to make the Neo Kizomba Festival an event which brings people together in community. We hope that people leave the Neo Kizomba Festival excited for their next opportunity to dance in our global kizomba/urban kiz dance community.  We ask that you join us in this endeavor by living the following:

We’re All In This Together

At the Neo Kizomba Festival, we recognize that not everyone will follow all of these at all times. We’re all in this together and keep track of how we are impacting people around us as well as how others are being in the space. During the event, we encourage you to deal with issues as they arise, and to inform us about any situation explained above. If someone’s behavior is not in alignment with this code of conduct, the Neo Kizomba Festival reserves the right to take some action, which could include various approaches, from having a conversation and setting clear expectations for future behavior, to a permanent ban from all Neo Kizomba events (with many options in between).

Questions, Complaints, and Information

If something happens in violation of our Safer Spaces Declaration, or you need assistance, please reach out to one of the staff members  or request to speak with a staff member through the registration table. You can also send a message through our contact form listed below.


Safer Space Contact Form